I like photography, apples and animated films. My main purpose of beginning this blog I suppose would be to gain more confidence in myself. I've never been great at public speaking, I always choke on words and then imagine the whole audience is falling asleep because I'm that dull to watch. When meeting new people I'm usually quite shy and reserved and wont say too much at the risk sounding silly.
So this is where you come in blog.
I hoped that maybe if I expressed myself in some form and began taking pride in my interests that maybe I would gain more confidence and become a little less socially awkward then what I currently am. Yes I understand blog, if it's people skills that I'm looking for then maybe I should go out into the world and start talking to 'actual people' instead of relating to you my woes like the shy couch potato that I am, and you're right. But I'm hoping maybe if I also blog to you somewhere out there another couch potato who is also a little shy and needs coaxing out of their comfort zone will see this blog and write back to me. And then maybe other shy, interesting, weird, couch potatoes may join our clan and we'll all travel over the hill side, creating havoc and collecting other couch potatoes, kind of like a strange Piped Piper scenario... I'm sorry I think the point I was trying to make ran away over that hill so now I'm stuck here writing continuous nonsense.
I guess I'd better go but hopefully this bizarre relationship (or whatever you'd like to call it blog) will progress and and build into something I can look back on and smile about.
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